Custom Fabrication
We offer custom fabrication services of high precision optical components covering a wide spectrum of materials and shapes in sizes from 50 mm to 1500 mm. We utilize state-of-the-art testing methods to assure the optic meets the customer's specifications.
Fabrication Capability
1.5 m CNC Generator
1.5 m swing-arm grinding/polishing machine.
Several 1 m class swing-arm grinding/polishing machines.
Special swing-arm machines for fabricating very steep radii convex and concave surfaces.
1.2 m Computer-controlled grinding/polishing machine with integrated swing-arm profilometer.
Computer-controlled machine integrated to a vertical test tower for in-situ grinding, polishing and testing.
Testing Methods
Phase-measuring interferometry. We use Intelliwave software for phase-measuring augmented with 4Sight analysis software from 4D to provide complete surface measurement and analysis.
Swing-arm Profilometry.
Our swing-arm profilometer is capable of mechanically measuring the profile of a surface to better than 100 nm rms. This instrument generally is used to guide the apherization process.
Holographic testing with Computer-generated Holograms.
The use of CGH's provide a highly accurate means of both creating a precise null for optical testing and for the verification and calibration of auxilliary null optics such as a null lens.
Vertical Testing.
We typically test optics vertically in one of our test towers supported as they will be in use assuring their operational quality.